< Antennas,Aerials and Propagation


If you are interested in having your site hosted or mirrored here, E-MAIL ME AT Al@ve3sqb.com Give your callsign, file size and a short description of the site.. All pages are hosted on this site so visitors will not have to search thru many broken links. Small interesting sites that are usually not found by search engines, or too far down on the listings may also be found here.

1 VE3SQB-antenna design software

2 OE3MZC-1200mhz quagi design

3 OCARC-coax data and dipole calculator

4 VE6VK-hamstick , mini beam yagi

5 AA3RL-How high for dipoles?

6 VE7CA- wire triband yagi

7 RK3ZK- Magnetic,feeder losses,HF ..........verticals,dipole,spherical,more

8 VE3ELB- Charts, dipole, dual band j-pole

9 OZ2OE- crossed yagi design

10 KF6GDJ- Grounding system

11 JR1LZK- Hentenna

12 W9CF- a nice online T network Tuner

13 N6ACH- an online Quad calculator

14 UA0SN- animated plot comparison of quad and yagi

15 G5RV-the great multibander

16 SIMPLE- simple 2 element(pdf) beam

17 ROCKLOOP- small qrp loop

18 $4antenna- inexpensive hf wire

19 EI7BA Hexbeam- hf hexbeam

20 EI7BA- 5 band reduced size hf quad

21 WB1FSB- 4 Band Novice Vertical (pdf)

22 RadioWorks- notes from a commercial site , baluns, windom ,grounding, rope and trees

23 ON4CFC- Vertical,dipole,magnetic,screwdriver