1 VE3SQB-antenna design software 2 OE3MZC-1200mhz quagi design 3 OCARC-coax data and dipole calculator 4 VE6VK-hamstick , mini beam yagi 5 AA3RL-How high for dipoles? 6 VE7CA- wire triband yagi 7 RK3ZK- Magnetic,feeder losses,HF ..........verticals,dipole,spherical,more 8 VE3ELB- Charts, dipole, dual band j-pole 9 OZ2OE- crossed yagi design 10 KF6GDJ- Grounding system 11 JR1LZK- Hentenna 12 W9CF- a nice online T network Tuner 13 N6ACH- an online Quad calculator 14 UA0SN- animated plot comparison of quad and yagi 15 G5RV-the great multibander 16 SIMPLE- simple 2 element(pdf) beam 17 ROCKLOOP- small qrp loop 18 $4antenna- inexpensive hf wire 19 EI7BA Hexbeam- hf hexbeam 20 EI7BA- 5 band reduced size hf quad 21 WB1FSB- 4 Band Novice Vertical (pdf) 22 RadioWorks- notes from a commercial site , baluns, windom ,grounding, rope and trees 23 ON4CFC- Vertical,dipole,magnetic,screwdriver